A proper guide to maintaining long hair
Long hair certainly adds an extra dimension to your overall appearance. And, if you have the patience and determination to go through the phase of letting your hair grow long, then you definitely realize how long hair can significantly enliven your personality.
However, every person’s hair growth cycle works differently, because of which, some people find it difficult to grow hair after a certain length despite trying their best, and some people find it natural to grow long, shiny locks. Long hair requires more attention, proper maintenance, and complete care. So, if you wish to have long hair, but wonder how you are going to maintain it, then it’s time you bid a sweet goodbye to all your worries. Here’s a complete guide for you, on how to best maintain your long hair:
1. Opt for a quality hairbrush
To avoid any hair damage, it is ideal for you to use a hairbrush that keeps your hair shaft smooth. A regular fiber, boar bristle round brush minimizes friction by detangling your hair knots while brushing, so your hair strands do not get pulled, thereby minimizing the stress on your hair.
2. Trim your hair regularly
Trimming your hair once every 2 to 3 months is highly recommended, as this can eliminate split ends that significantly prevent hair growth. The initial strands are actually older, which is why they tend to weaken your hair.
3. Don’t use hair bands that pull hair from its roots
Avoid using hair bands that pull your hair at the roots. It is important to decrease the friction your hair is exposed to. When your hair rubs against harsh fabrics, the accompanying friction leads to split ends. So, opt for a band with a plastic coil. This ensures no unnecessary stress on your hair, thereby keeping it strong and smooth.
4. Avoid hot showers
Hot showers feel good when the weather is cold, but they can weaken your hair and take off the natural oils present in your scalp. So, use either cold or lukewarm water when you wash and condition your long hair.
5. Use natural hair masks
In order to take care of your long hair, it is important for you to avoid randomly trying new hair products. There are some natural hair masks that you can use to ensure your hair texture is smooth, your hair remains strong, and no hair damage, such as baking soda, mustard oil, and amla. All you have to do is make a liquid solution of any of these options and simply massage your scalp with it thoroughly.
6. Pamper your hair before going to bed
Brushing your hair properly before going to bed is essential, including detangling any hair knots and using a wide-toothed or boar bristle brush from the roots till the tips. This helps to spread all the natural oils all over your hair. Also, avoid tight hair buns as they do not allow your hair to breathe, so tying your hair too tight before going to bed can lead to hair damage and hair fall. Even if you want to tie your hair, ensure to keep it loose and relaxed.
7. Dry your hair with care
Combing your hair while it is still wet can lead to hair fall, as the follicles are prone to breakage when your hair is wet. So, if you want to prevent hair fall and ensure natural, healthy hair growth, do not comb your hair when it is wet. Also, avoid blow-drying your hair as the heat coming from a blow dryer tends to make your hair rough and brittle. It is important for you to first let your hair dry out naturally, and then comb it.
8. Use a hair colour without ammonia
If you wish to colour your hair, make sure you choose a hair colour without ammonia and peroxide, because these chemical agents can cause severe hair damage and hair fall. You can go for our oil-based hair colour, Super Vasmol Kesh Kala.
There are several simple tips for maintenance of long hair; for instance, avoid curlers, avoid shampooing your hair every day, do not use a towel to dry your hair, and consume superfoods (like onions, eggs, green tea, honey, banana, and spinach) that keep your hair healthy and shiny. So, if you are obsessed with keeping your hair long to significantly enhance your personality, go for it! But ensure that you follow these hair care tips, to keep your long hair healthy and lustrous.